As you know, when you set up your website on Getsocio platform, it becomes hosted on our main server. This server is powerful and free from risk. Its capacity is good enough to handle traffic boosts. Though, you should understand that performance of your site is influenced by traffic on other sites. That is why we highly recommend to go with dedicated server solution for those who expect traffic increases on their sites.
By dedicated server we mean an own server for your website. This server will be registered by Getsocio in one of our hosting companies and the data center will be chosen as close as possible to your location of operation. We will be also responsible for the server setup and transfer of your website from the main server to the dedicated server. Moreover, we will keep monitoring and maintaining your server to exclude hardware and software issues.
No, there is no such possibility. Websites on Getsocio platform can be hosted on our servers only.
Usually full setup of the server and website transfer happens within 5-7 business days. The server setup also requires resources from hosting company side and from you, as website admin.
We try to transfer the site as smoothly as possible without any downtime.
Currently we offer dedicated server at $200 per month. For those who are on Platinum and Diamond pricing plans, own server comes free of charge.
If you decided to go with a dedicated server solution, you should first let us know with your decision and with your location of operation. We'll try to setup a server for you with the data center nearby. Later we will get back to you asking for changing an IP address in your DNS settings (same as in these instructions, but with a different IP address).