How to enable Google Plus

At Getsocio you can use Google Plus in two different ways:

  1. Allow users to +1 your deals using their Google account;
  2. Let them add you or your daily deal site to their Google circles.

The first option (+1 button in deal sharing area) doesn't require any fine-tuning at your end. You just need to toggle it on the Settings page of Admin section.


After you do it, every deal (past or active) will have Google "+1" button on "Share this deal" section, just as shown below.


To keep in touch with your users on Google circles, you will need to submit a Google + id. You can use your personal one, but it'd be better to set up a separate one tailored for your brand. Just a couple of steps for you to take:

  1. Sign in to your Gmail account and go to Circles, there click on your name and you'll see the id will appear in URL in the browser address bar, you only need the ID, which should consist of about 20 digits


  2. copy it and go back to the Settings page of Admin section of your Getsocio site. Click Edit the Google block and paste the id into "Google+ Account" field.


    Now an icon with a link to your Google+ profile will be shown in "Follow us" section down in the footer.
