
Coupon fraud protection

Sunday, May 1, 2011

While coupons have "no cash value", someone still may try to get the deal without paying for the coupon. How to help the vendor to identify and eliminate fraudulent coupons, like attempts to use the same coupon multiple times, or even outright forged coupons?

When the buyer's credit card is charged?

Sunday, May 1, 2011

On a daily-deal site there is no simple answer. It depends.

  • If the deal is not tipped yet:
    • Funds are "reserved" on the card. This step ensures that there is enough funds on the card for the purchase, and "locks" them, so the buyer cannot spend them elsewhere before the deal ends.
    • Then, after the deal is tipped, the purchase is finalized and funds are transferred from the buyer's card to the daily-deal site owner's account.
    • And if the deal expires (never gets tipped), the purchase is canceled and the funds are "unlocked" on the buyer's card.
  • And if the deal is already tipped, the purchase happens in one step – the funds are transferred from the buyer's card immediately.

Multi-language support is available

Thursday, April 21, 2011

From now on Getsocio supports multi-language sites.

You can run a bilingual daily-deal site, or a trilingual site, or, well, a site with several languages. This feature is unlocked on "Locales" page in Admin section. Each locale maintains independent list of all pieces of text ("messages") on the site.

The language is auto-detected (using visitor's browser preference), and also visitors can change language in one click. Language selection links are shown at the top-right corner of the page, but only for sites with more than one language enabled.

How do I charge merchants?

Friday, April 15, 2011

Many businesses rely on advertising to expand their customers base. And publishers owning media (newspapers, radio stations, TV channels, websites) happily sell their ad space to the businesses.

In a traditional ad campaign there is an advertiser – a merchant seeking more exposure for their services or goods, and a publisher who gets paid for running the ads. The merchant pays the publisher for the privilege of having their ads served to the public.