Articles about Settings

WYSIWYG editor is now available in Getsocio

Wednesday, September 10, 2014
WYSIWYG editor in Getsocio

A new feature is now available for all Getsocio users - rich text editor for text formatting.
This is simple and easy in use functionality that allows to modify any text in a few clicks.

The trick that will boost your sales!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Time left to buyHave you ever been on the hook of a marketing ploy? Most of shoppers have and this happens daily.
The main purpose of such tricks is to bring more customers to the business. This can be both - online and brick-and-mortar shopping.

Newsletter best practices

Thursday, July 10, 2014
It is well-known that good promotion makes good sales. One of the most popular ways to promote the site is a newsletter.
With e-mails subscribers stay informed about the latest updates on your site and properly arranged e-mails can highly boost your sales.
However, reaching out people via e-mail may also harm your brand if you violate e-mail marketing rules.