Employing the hot tour experience in your group-buying website
Monday, November 29, 2010
Today's post will talk about the "Escapes", vacation service launched by a well-known group-buying website Living Social.
The general idea is as old as the world. Extremely inexpensive hot tours across the world used to be the favorite trick employed by travel agencies over the decades. The hallmark of Escapes is the provision of one-weekend vacation in the hood or overseas. Each deal offers a special escape kit apart from the board the bargain hunters will get spa amenities, a bottle of wine, discounted parking or complementary late checkout.
Hotels, which are in bad need for visitors, would be happy to pay-commission to a daily-deal website that brings along a hundred of visitors at once, rather than a travel agency, who retail the accommodation/excursion packages one by one, especially during the low season. So this will be a good start for the newly launched group-buying website: just contact a fresh opened hotel nearby, discuss the escape kit and see the first deal tipped!